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International Student Visa
Find all the information you might need while studying at Envirotech Education or when applying for a student visa. For more information, please check the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.
Important Visa Requirement
It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they hold sufficient visa and medical health cover for the length of their course and extend their student visa if necessary when it is due to lapse.
International students who remain in their course of study in Australia without holding the necessary student visa are classified as unlawful and as such if they remain more than 28 days in Australia without a lawful student visa they are subject to immediate removal from Australia and a 3 years’ exclusion period preventing them to return to Australia for this period.
For further information regarding student visa conditions for students and their families please refer to DIBP website.
1. Complete our English test and read carefully the requirements for acceptance into a course, including the minimum level of English language proficiency, educational qualifications or work experience required and whether course credit may be applicable.
2. Read and understand the course content and duration, qualification offered, modes of study and assessment methods
3. Get familiar with our campus location and a general description of facilities, equipment, and learning and library resources available to students
4. Read the indicative course-related fees including advice on the potential for fees to change during the student’s course and applicable refund policies, you can find this on the website, student handbook and our course offer letter.
5. Get familiar with the information about the grounds on which the student’s enrollment may be deferred, suspended or canceled.
6. Read below the description of the ESOS framework made available electronically by DIISTRE.
7. Read relevant information on living in Australia, including:
- Indicative costs of living
- Accommodation options
- Where relevant, schooling obligations and options for school-aged dependants of intending students, including that school fees may be incurred.
Prospective international students may apply to enroll at Envirotech from within or from outside Australia.
To be granted a student (temporary) visa applicants must:
• Be a genuine student intending to undertake studies, abide by visa conditions and depart on completion of the authorized stay.
• Provide confirmation of enrollment for a full-time course of study registered by the Australian Government for overseas student
• Have adequate means of financial support for the period of the course
• Have sufficient English comprehension for the course they shall undertake
• Have evidence of having obtained Overseas Student Health Cover
• Have made adequate arrangements for the education of any school aged dependents
• Meet Australian health and public interest requirements
Students coming with school aged dependent children must maintain adequate schooling arrangements for any of their school-age dependants.
There are several conditions attached to the Student Visa: http://www.immi.gov.au/students/visa-conditions.html
It is your responsibility to ensure the arrangement of your OSHC during your stay in Australia. Please make sure you pay your fees on time.
You Must:
• Maintain a satisfactory academic result for each study period – this includes completing all assignment and assessment activities
• Notify Envirotech of any changes in any contact details within 7 days.
• Notify Envirotech of any change in education provider within 7 days.
• Remain enrolled on a full-time course of study and maintain a minimum of 20 contact hours each week
There are important work related conditions you are required to follow please make sure you read the information in this link
No work limits apply during recognized periods of vacation offered by your education provider.
International students are required to demonstrate and/or declare that they have genuine access to sufficient funds to be granted a Student visa. Applicants may have to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover these expenses for the first one or two years in Australia, depending on their assessment level.
- Expenses Per Person Amount required in AUD
- Travel Applicant Return air fare to Australia
- Family members One return air fare to Australia per person
More information about it, please click here.
Expenses | Per Person | Amount required in AUD |
Travel | Applicant | Return air fare to Australia |
Family members | One return air fare to Australia per person | |
Tuition | Applicant | Course fees |
School-age children aged 5-18 | AUD 8000 per year – Mandatory | |
Living | Applicant | AUD 18 610 per year |
Partner | AUD 6515 per year | |
First child | AUD 3720 per year | |
Each other child | AUD 2790 per year |
The legislation governing enrolment and education of international students in Australia is called “ESOS” – Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000
The description of ESOS framework is available at https://www.dese.gov.au/esos-framework/esos-legislative-framework
All information provided by you, including personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach by you of a student visa condition may be made available to Australian Government and designated authorities, and, if relevant, the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) and the TPS Director, pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code.
Please read the following ESOS FRAMEWORK FACT SHEET design by DIISTRE (Australian Government) to inform you of your rights under the ESOS Act.
If you hold a Student Visa, you must study with an education provider that is listed in the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS Register). Envirotech is on this list of registered institutions, which can be found at https://cricos.education.gov.au/
This guarantees that Envirotech and the course you are studying meet the high standards necessary for International Students in Australia program.
The Australian Government wants Australia to be a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study. Australia laws promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the ESOS (Education Services for Overseas Students) framework and they include the (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice 2007.
The ESOS Act protects your rights. This includes but not limited to:
Receive current and accurate marketing materials about the courses, fees, modes of study and other information from the RTO and its agents.
If you are under 18, it ensures your safety. You will be granted a visa only if there are arrangements in place for your accommodation, support and welfare;
Getting a signed agreement with the RTO before or as you pay any fees, setting out the services to be provided, fees payable and information about refunds.
Safety for your Tuition fees (TPS)- The ESOS Act includes consumer protection that enables you to receive a refund or to be placed in another course if your provider is unable to deliver your course for any reason. This is something unique to Australia.
You also have responsibilities under the Act, such as:
– Updating Student Contact Details- it is your responsibility to provide Envirotech the current details of your residential address and if you have any change to your contact details.
– Maintain your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of your stay.
– Maintain satisfactory course progress.
Orientation Visa Information – Student Visa Holder
Why Choose Envirotech?
Below Are The Top 5 Reasons To Study With Us
Learn More About Envirotech1. We are a Level 1 Risk Rating provider
Since our beginning, our focus has been bringing students to Australia by following the strict education requirements. Because we do this, and know the education requirements inside out, we have been allocated by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, a Level 1 Rating. We have maintained this level and are proud to state this as an OUTSTANDING operational achievement.
We pride ourselves on being able to provide accurate information and advice to students who are looking to study with us, with a team of staff who will balance the student’s questions with the appropriate rules and flexibility where necessary.
2. Campuses at the Gold Coast and Byron Bay
Our campuses are in idyllic locations, where you can experience the best of the Australian lifestyle. Sun, Surf, Relaxation, and Friendly People. Both campuses are within walking distance to the beach, easily accessible by public transport, a bike or on foot. You choose!
3. Multicultural Staff
We have over 50 staff across both campuses, with most staff speaking two languages and the majority of the team having experience as an international student themselves. So they know first hand what you may be feeling. The team is approachable and willing to help you during your education experience.
4. Elective Classes
Envirotech is passionate about helping you to achieve your goals and provides extra classes where you can build on your qualification and get a step ahead of the others. Adding additional skills to your resume in “soft skills” such as Finance and Accounting, Adobe, Microsoft Academy and Sustainability to name a few.
5. Job Preparation and Work Placement
We want to help you be ready to get work when you are here and will work with you to understand how you can best do this while in Australia. We will help you prepare your resume, provide you tips on what to say in an interview and use our unique job platform to try and find you a job. You can also undertake work placement to apply the skills and knowledge you are learning while here. Speak to our team for more information.