International Students

Student Reviews

Hear positive reviews from our former students!

Eli Gilsenan
Eli Gilsenan
Cert II Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration
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Being such a proud Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander man, whose ancestors would have such a powerful and close interconnection with sea country being a part of this journey seems almost like my destiny. Though I needed direction and I found that through Envirotech's Cert II in Marine Restoration and Conservation. The course invigorated my love for sea country and gave me the direction I was missing. Now with the knowledge and with this passion I know I’m in a better position to venture into the marine space with confidence. Which is evident in my now day to day. With the support of my friends, colleagues, and fellow Cert 2 graduates Ke and Roydon we were able to organise a beach clean-up event from scratch, and even now I’ve taken on the role as a station assistant for UQ’s Marine Research Station. I would never thought to have been in these positions if it wasn’t for the Cert II.
Edu Gomez
Edu Gomez
Diploma of Sustainable Operations
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I am very happy with Roberta Beltrao's classes and Melinda de Luna as Academic Support have given us students, each day that passes I get more interested in the course (Diploma of Sustainable Operations) and I understand more, I am also very confident about working with this, I believe that I need to study a little bit more and follow the guidelines that you guys provide for this to happen and I feel that this is actually already happening! The online course for me was one of the best things so far because I can attend classes again and understand some parts that I didn't understand, anyway I am very happy and I can only thank you guys and Envirotech for everything you are doing for us! I really appreciate it!!!
Jade Pearson-Smith
Jade Pearson-Smith
Cert III Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration
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The Certificate III in Marine Conservation and Restoration was a fantastic way to learn the foundations in marine ecosystems and conservation practice. It encompasses applying knowledge into a practical setting including dune restoration, fish surveys, diversity enhancers and much more. Being surrounded by passionate, like minded individuals was also a highlight. Furthermore, the program fostered a vibrant community of passionate, like-minded individuals, creating an enriching environment where students could collaborate, share insights, and motivate one another. This sense of camaraderie and shared purpose was a significant highlight, making the learning journey not just educational but also deeply rewarding and inspiring.
Jasmine Beachside
Jasmine Beachside
Cert III Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration
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I’m currently studying the Cert III Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration. Loving it ! The enrolment process was easy and it has been everything I expected, even better. My favourite parts are the practicals, we have had some amazing adventures on Stradbroke Island and been able to participate in real life marine conservation projects. And I got to do my Open Water Scuba Dive Course and do some epic dives !! I’ve found the course much more specific than my Bachelor’s Degree and I have gained a lot of specialised skills being part of the “Nurture Student” program. I have learnt a lot and worked with top scientists and experts in the Marine Science Industry. I’m really happy I enrolled in this course, I find the trainers really know a lot and make the online class experience fun. I can also book in students sessions whenever I have questions. I’m looking forward to graduating and to see what new opportunities await me.
Romina Canales Ortiz
Romina Canales Ortiz
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It's not easy find someone who comprehend your doubts and goals in your language when you're searching for your next step in Australia. Quite struggling with how link my purpose, background and new skills, Karina was the right person in the right time with who talked about. Envirotech has everything aligned with it's vision of environmental awareness, such a incredible focus that I was missing. This school is taking advantage for others so far. Thank you Envirotech for your patience, kindness and commitment!
Sunny Daze Fishing
Sunny Daze Fishing
Cert III Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration
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My experience at stradbroke island was literally a dream come true, spending three days with our two amazing trainers scott and steve, staying at the moreton bay research centre in such a beautiful venue and location, each day we gathered equipment and collected the students from the ferry then we set out over the island to do our practical, which was in my opinion the best setup practical you could ever do as part of a certificate, it included meeting the traditional owners of the land, four wheel driving, dune restoration and agroforestry, over the three days we planted over 150 trees, we then got to cool off and swim in the beautiful freshwater lakes and have some lunch, anf then headed into the mangroves to learn to collect data and learn about mangrove ecology and restoration, we saw so much wildlife and leant a LOT, Im so greatful for my experience and cant thank envirotech enough for giving me the opportunity, i highly recommend cert III MHCR it is a truely amazing course and there is none other like it in the WORLD!

Watch more student testimonials on Envirotech Education’s Youtube Channel.